indefinitely. Instead, I will teach you Occlumency, and I will give you advice to help you fight him off should he attempt to enter your mind.” “How can I do that?” Harry asked. “How can I possibly get him out of there once he’s in there? I’m not strong enough to Death Smiled At Me So I Kicked Him In The Face Shirt do that.” Dumbledore smiled. “In fact, you are, Harry. You simply have to do deliberately what you did last month. Harry shuddered. “It was horrible. I felt surrounded, isolated, like I was in the grip of evil… which I suppose I was, come to think of it. Even worse than when a dementor is close by. I thought I would just as soon die than have that continue.” “But then you had a different thought. What was it?” Harry looked at Dumbledore in surprise.
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How could he possibly know that? He preferred not to Death Smiled At Me So I Kicked Him In The Face Shirt say, but sensed that it was important, and understood that he could trust Dumbledore. He slowly said, “I thought, at least I would be with Sirius again.” “And you experienced a strong feeling of affection for him, is that right?” Harry nodded. “You see, Harry, that is it right there. The love you felt for Sirius was what drove Voldemort away. He could not, he cannot, deal with it. He cannot share his thoughts with someone who loves, who feels love in his presence. It is anathema • 31 • to him. Your next question may be ‘why,’ I would like you to see if you can work that out.” Harry thought for a minute; recalling what Dumbledore had said earlier, and said uncertainly, “Because love weakens him?” still not understanding quite why. Dumbledore nodded. “Yes, Harry. Even more than that, it practically debilitates him. As I said before, all he knows is evil and power. He finds it easy to forget that such a thing as love exists. He may well think twice about trying to enter your mind again, because of what happened. But if he should try, you have the means to drive him out.” Still not quite understanding what he was being asked to do, he said, “You mean, I should think about love?” “No, Harry,” Dumbledore answered seriously. “You should feel love.
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There are similarities to how you summon a Patronus. When you summon a Patronus, you think of a happy memory so that you will feel happy; it drives away dementors because they are the living antithesis of happiness. In this case, you think of something that causes you to feel love, as Voldemort is the living antithesis of love. The more powerful feeling of love you can summon, the more effective it will be.” How am I supposed to do that? wondered Harry. Love was a concept that he had never discussed. He knew that some people said ‘I love you’ to each other, but it had never been said to him. It all seemed so unfamiliar. Feeling foolish for having to Death Smiled At Me So I Kicked Him In The Face Shirt ask, but knowing it was important, Harry asked, “Umm… how do I know if I love something or just like it a lot? What’s the difference?” Dumbledore looked with great sympa thy across his desk at the boy who had never known a parent’s love. “It may be best not to focus overmuch on the word
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