later, Dumbledore is there, holding onto Fawkes’ tail. Now, several things happen at once here, and Ginny may have to Dearly Beloved We Are Gathered Here Today To Get Through This Thing Called Life Snoopy And Charlie Brown Shirthelp me. Dumbledore sees Harry falling. Fawkes disappears, and reappears next to Harry as he’s • 359 • falling–and Fawkes stops flying, they both are falling with Harry. Dumbledore Summons Harry’s Firebolt, grabs Harry, and–still falling–grabs Fawkes’s tail. Fawkes starts flying again.” There were low whistles and other noises of appreciation from the audience.
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“They must have been ten feet from the ground at the end. Ginny, can you pick it up here? I think you saw more of the rest than I did.” Ginny stood on Harry’s other side. “When Dumbledore got ahold of Harry, he had to do something with him, quick, if he was going to catch whoever did it. Remember, it’s been only about fifteen seconds or so since Harry got Cursed. But Dumbledore tells Harry to grab Fawkes’s tail, and Harry manages to do it. Then Fawkes takes Harry over to Hermione. They’d both been Cursed, they could hold onto each other. See how Dumbledore’s thinking of stuff like this, even with so much going on. “Now, Fawkes disappears, and Dumbledore should be hanging onto nothing in midair, but he grabs Harry’s Firebolt that he’d Summoned. He immediately did a spell that sent a kind of a Dearly Beloved We Are Gathered Here Today To Get Through This Thing Called Life Snoopy And Charlie Brown Shirt… wave of the color red, is the best way I can put it. It looked like it was designed to make everything it touched red; suddenly we can see someone on a broom who we couldn’t see before. Ron and I tear off after him, but it wasn’t like Dumbledore needed our help. Nott could’ve Cursed us off our brooms and made
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Dumbledore’s job harder, so we weren’t thinking really straight. We just wanted to Dearly Beloved We Are Gathered Here Today To Get Through This Thing Called Life Snoopy And Charlie Brown Shirt get whoever did this. “I don’t think Dumbledore ever moved. He sent another spell at Nott, and just yanked him toward him, like with a big hook or something. They set down, and Ron and I did too. Dumbledore takes off the Invisibility Cloak and sees who it is. Dumbledore says, ‘On whose instructions was this done?’ Nott smiles and says, ‘I have the honor of serving the Dark Lord.’” The room gasped. “Dumbledore asks him when he got the instructions; Nott says it was just minutes before Harry, Ron and I went out on the pitch.” Harry took the floor again. “This makes sense when put together with my dream. I was going out of my way to get him
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