Much of the immediate response to Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull In Space Shirt these articles is correct to emphasize a need to avoid complacency. However, it’s also correct to emphasize what is working to drive down President Trump’s numbers: a focus on his failings and a campaign by VP Biden that sticks to saying what a functioning adult should say. For example, Hillary won the popular vote. That’s not some abstract liberal propaganda statement it’s a simple fact; more people vote for Hillary. But she didn’t have the numbers from the electoral college to get elected. Last, you should always ignore when anybody tries to predict who is going to be elected.
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That’s always been Day Of The Dead Sugar Skull In Space Shirt poppycock and that is where this entire false narrative came from that suggests the polling was somehow wildly wasn’t. Biden doesn’t need to be out in front of everything and is much better being reactionary with a message the projects unity, compassion, and confidence. Much of the support for Joe Biden stems from a rejection of Donald Trump – that’s fine but it also means one should continue to let President Trump beat himself rather than trying to capitalize on these polling trends and move the center of attention from President Trump to VP Biden.
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