knows it exists, even not • 274 • knowing who wrote it, all the first years’ll be in trouble. So Dad I Will Always Be Your Little Girl Financial Burden Shirt focus on the Snack boxes.” “Do you think they’ll still be in trouble?” asked Hermione. “It all depends,” said Harry. “I think the second years will support them, as well as some of the third and fourth. I think the ones who didn’t skive are the type that aren’t in Malfoy’s pocket. There may be a kind of internal battle at Slytherin; not everyone there wants to be a Death Eater. People are just intimidated by the few that are there.
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If Malfoy’s power can be reduced, the younger ones may be safer.” He sighed. “I didn’t think anything like this would happen, but I guess I should have expected it.” “That’s true, Harry,” said Hermione. “This was going to happen no matter what, if the young Slytherins liked your classes. Malfoy wasn’t going to stand for that.” “The worst thing is, I can’t write her back, because somebody could yank it out of her hand when she gets it, and then she’s in a world of trouble,” Harry said. “But… there is maybe something I could do,” while looking down the table at a group on Gryffindor first years. He got up and headed in their direction. As he walked away, he barely heard Ron saying, “Well, he could’ve told us about it first…” At 4:30, Harry walked into the library wearing his Invisibility Cloak. It had been a while since he’d used it, and he reflected on the irony that he was using it now to do something not at all against the rules.
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He looked through the stacks and found Helen walking through them, pretending to be interested in books. He walked up next to Dad I Will Always Be Your Little Girl Financial Burden Shirt her. “Helen,” he whispered. “Professor? Where are you?” “I’m right next to you. I’m going to show myself. Make no noise, okay?” She nodded; he made sure no one was watching, then flipped up enough of the cloak that she could see him. She gasped, but silently. • 275 • “Professor! What is that? What are you doing?” she whispered. “Stand next to me, closer.” She
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