Those Cute I Don’t Care What Anyone Thinks Of Me Except Owls I Want Owls To Like Me Shirt. Stats to show Germany was better prepared for a pandemic. Of course, adding into that is cultural factors. The US has the lowest score for “Public trust in Government” as the article mentions, German’s generally trust government advice. The original report that the US was “the best-prepared nation to confront a pandemic”, was always a flawed take. On top of that Germany has a better social system people can rely on. And as well Kurzarbeit helps to reduce the financial pressure on both companies. As well as workers, which already had proven itself in the 2008 financial crisis.
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No idea Cute I Don’t Care What Anyone Thinks Of Me Except Owls I Want Owls To Like Me Shirts. Why they think the US was best prepared. I’d argue and say the Asian countries were best prepared as they had to deal with the SARS fallout and learned their lessons from that. Look at Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Everything is under control and light years ahead of the western world’s pandemic response. Sure people love to rag on about the US but Europe isn’t doing too great right now with their second wave. What is their excuse? I agree, with a privatized healthcare system that discourages self-admission due to fear of bankruptcy they were doomed from the start.
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