So true. Can you imagine Chadwick Boseman’s ‘Black Panther’ Legacy Means Shirt how much some shitty tabloid would have paid for that story? Or Wendy Williams or Ellen gave what they have done with private medical knowledge. It’s just so crazy that this man was powering through to please his fans even when he was going through such physical and mental pain. The was a rumor though, caused by his pictures during the quarantine. He didn’t look too good, clearly, something was up. Yeah, he looked thin and he really looked off so people were already really worried about his health condition, and then the news drops.
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They were fans noticing he lost a lot of weight and Chadwick Boseman’s ‘Black Panther’ Legacy Means Shirt looking haggard but ppl thought it was for a movie role. Honestly, I’d be surprised if anyone in the MCU knew besides maybe Coogler. There was speculation that something might be wrong because of his weight loss but I don’t think anyone immediately suspected cancer. Not everyone. Many did seriously question it. While, others made tasteless jokes and try to hint at other bullshit!t.
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