In most academies, they DRILL into you that its “you against them” and that every call is a potential deadly-threat situation. They ingrain it into your training to treat every single encounter with the worst outcome in the back of your mind. Officer safety is handled perfectly fine by other countries, especially in Europe, without police officers killing and maiming folks. It boils down to training. Use of force training in my academy (one of the highest-rated in the United States) was always fear-based. You were shown horrific videos of cops being killed (very rare) and instructors drilled into your head the “warrior mentality” and all the “make sure you go home at the end of your shift” bullshit. Police (largely) are taught to Camera And Then I Just Snapped Flower Shirt fear folks they come into contact with in certain encounters. Especially when they are violent/complicated interactions or calls.
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We’ve long passed the point of optimism. What we know is that he’s actively trying, and he’s running off anyone who utters the word “no.” Maybe there’s an optimistic outcome, but we haven’t seen the optimistic outcome play out any other time he’s pushed the line, because he never stops pushing no matter how many times he’s stopped from crossing the line. employees every year, and if you want to Camera And Then I Just Snapped Flower Shirt have a hazmat endorsement then you need an FBI background check and there is a list of things that will disqualify you. In NYC we had an 8 pm curfew. your speech. This would be the core of whatever argument you’d make. Oh and hope I don’t accidentally shoot anyone else that might be at the top of the stairs.
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Its an old adage, but “when you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” The militarization of police only exacerbates this. Before all the “Tacti-Cool” bootlicker dipshits brigade this, I’ll just say this. I was in two encounters in my LE career where I received gunfire and was shot once (in the vest). I was also in several combat encounters in the military. So you dorks defending police militarization can fuck right off. Your Under Armour cap, 9-11 pants, AR you carry into McDonald’s and hidden knife lanyard don’t impress me. You look like a goddamned idiot. This happened around 6 or so last night. She made a conscious decision to Camera And Then I Just Snapped Flower Shirt get arrested and returned to the protests after being released.
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