I consider myself a lefty and have always believed there are many good cops and many more bad cops. I’ve come to Black History Month Famous Characters shirt realize I was wrong. There are VERY FEW good cops and MANY MANY BAD cops. If you are a cop and you witness your fellow co-worker abusing the law, and you don’t report it, which we know almost none of them do, you are not a good cop either. Was it not for the fourth officer arriving on the scene with his camera on, not being informed that all the officers had turned their cameras off to not record the incident? An officer’s word is no longer an acceptable burden of proof, and any incident in which cams have been turned off needs additional scrutiny.
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That’s what gets me. This bodycam thing was supposed to Black History Month Famous Characters shirt help everyone out (including the police because it could help gather evidence), Every time an officer turns their can off they should face repercussions. The problem is the culture is so toxic, you cannot fix it from within. It’s like having a turd in your cistern and you think you can fix the problem by adding more water. No. Now you just have more shit-flavored water. You have to empty the cistern completely and scrub it out, then add fresh water. That’s how you get rid of the turds. NONE of the other officers ever seen to do anything about it. They are all cowards! But fuck mate, how can anyone tolerate these painfully obvious illegal actions even when from a fellow officer? still had to go through a bunch of legal bullshit to get through something that should never of been allowed to happen.
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I give you permission and encourage you to commit a crime”, “Not really, I give you permission as a member of the police brutality unit am encouraging you to Black History Month Famous Characters shirt do it and promise no retribution for it”, “I am offering complete immunity to you for doing this and encourage you to do it”. The person does a brief touch as requested and begged for by police… “You just committed a crime!!! We will brutalize you and arrest you for daring to touch an officer!!!”.
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