I have only seen Black Cat I Can’t Be Held Responsible For What My Face Does When You Talk Shirt videos where people are shouting for him to be stopped since he just shot someone. But it’s hard to find any information on that part and is also the most common defense I hear. Of course, the clip where he trips and gets attacked in isolation would be self-defense, but bin Laden’s assassination would also be random state-sponsored murder if you just look at it in isolation. There’s no way that kid or anyone should have had a gun in the open. Open carry is the most insanely stupid law. Wasn’t he being attacked though? Would he have been attacked if he hadn’t been carrying a gun?
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America you’re beyond and you, ARE the Black Cat I Can’t Be Held Responsible For What My Face Does When You Talk Shirt shithole country your “leader” complained about. And you are missing the actual point. You may be correct about the self-defense, I won’t argue that…it’s up to the courts to decide. It’s the reaction by the police themselves which highlights the root problem. This guy walked right past three police vehicles armed right in the middle of a riot where there have been reports of shooting while multiple people are yelling that he is the shooter. The police ignored him. They didn’t force him to the ground, didn’t arrest him, didn’t hold him down with a knee, didn’t shoot him in the back 7 times.
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