. “So, Harry’s character has something to do with it.” He turned back to the Dursleys. “In any case, I did what I thought best for all concerned. It would not be unreasonable for you to Bigfoot Sas Squattin Gym Shirt blame me for any danger • 109 • that your family has faced or will face. Though I did what I thought best, I still must accept responsibility for my actions. That is one of the reasons I am here now.” In the kitchen, the phone rang. Harry immediately stood up. “I’ll get it,“ he said, figuring himself the least important person in the conversation.
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“Whoever it is, take a message,” Vernon said as Harry walked to the kitchen. It was from Hermione. “Hi, Harry, I’ve made the arrangements, and I’m calling to tell you about them.” “Um, Hermione, I need to call you back. Professor Dumbledore is here and he’s talking to the Dursleys.” “You’re kidding!” said Hermione in astonishment. “How did that come about?” “Another story for the next time we meet. I’ll call you back, okay?” “Okay, Harry, talk to Bigfoot Sas Squattin Gym Shirt you later,” Harry said goodbye and hung up. He walked back into the room. The conversation had gotten back around to Dudley and what danger he faced. “Yes, I believe Harry’s assessment of the situation is correct,” Dumbledore was saying. “The chances of anyone putting Dudley in danger are very small. But as Mrs. Dursley says, they are there, and so the situation must be taken seriously.” “Well, what do you suggest?” asked Petunia. It would glow and send a harmless vibration when in the presence of magic or any magical person. It would also, at the same time, activate alarms at the Ministry of Magic. Protective teams would be on the spot in seconds.
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. In fact, all British Prime Ministers and monarchs have worn such devices for decades.” Vernon and Petunia stared in astonishment. “You must be joking,” Vernon gaped. “You mean… they know about your lot?” • “So, how will this work?” asked Petunia. “What is its range?” “It will detect any magical person or activity within a range of one hundred meters,” said Dumbledore. “If it detects magic, the best thing for you to do is hide,” he told Dudley. Hiding will also make life easier for your protectors, who should materialize within seconds, with advanced magic detectors that can pinpoint the source of the magic and take action. These people are called Aurors; their job is to Bigfoot Sas Squattin Gym Shirt track down and captures dark wizards.
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